Time to Vote!

I don’t know what I was thinking. Oh, I’ll just ask people for ideas, and then I’ll pick three and announce it. Easy peasy.


Somehow, I forgot how creative and wise and curious my readers are. The suggestions I received are phenomenal. Really. Which, of course, has made it quite difficult to choose.

But, I still had to make myself choose three, as I promised you. The three I chose, either were something that a number of people had a similar suggestion (and I went with the first) or something that has been coming up rather frequently from clients and readers, or a combination.

And…here they are:

Giving Up The Funk (with apologies to Parliament) – How to get things done when you don’t feel like doing anything.

Receiving Criticism with Aplomb – How to remain self-possessed when getting feedback (whether you asked for it or not).

Avoiding Avoidance – What to do with all those excuses (even the ones that seem legitimate) so you can do what you really want to be doing.

Congratulations Dave, Beth and Jessica! Looking forward to having you as members of Explore & Play More.

Now it’s your turn!

Please take a moment to vote by clicking on one of the three choices below, and pressing submit.
If you don’t see the choices below, please refresh the page. If it still doesn’t pop up, try this page.

Remember, your vote determines the topic of the May 14th Explore & Play Class & Coaching Hour.

Voting ends Tuesday, May 7th at midnight, I’ll announce the winner on the 8th.


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