That’s not jet lag, that’s the flu…

The Fix-It-All-Now Flu.

And it’s a bugger. I’ve talked about clients that have it, in fact, it was the topic of my first newsletter.

And as I’m sitting here, back at my desk, after traveling for awhile I realize I have the symptoms. While traveling I had lots of time to dream. Time to percolate new ideas, to come up with a whole list of things I wanted to do when I got back home. And now that I’m home, I’m not magically completing my dream list.

I’m bouncing around from project to project, doing a little unpacking, catching up on email, doing a little decluttering, looking at my Autofocus list, click-click-clicking around online, saying hi on Twitter and Facebook, being busy, but not really getting anything done.

I’m frustrated. I hear Veruca Salt’s voice in my head, “I want it NOW!”

So it’s time to remind myself of the cure…thinking small. With that in mind, I can feel the frustration ease up a bit, and a small opening to do something. Not just do it, but complete it. At least in some small way.

3 comments to That’s not jet lag, that’s the flu…

  • Oh boy…full of intentions, but the motivation starts to dwindle. Sounds like you were getting it back. When I am like that, I am normally tired and just cannot identify it as such.

  • Meredith


    I do this (scattered thoughts) thing a lot. I call it ungrounded. Oddly enough it happens a lot after I have been traveling – by car, or by airplane. Head spinning, plans and thoughts rushing around, competing for my attentions, and frustration that nothing is moving forward.

    (warning – suggestion coming – skip it if you aren’t wanting any advice)

    Trips, like all events, have a cycle of seed, development, and ending. In my experience, humans aren’t very good at the ending part. Here’s my secret remedy. I connect with the natural intelligence of the trip, and after a moment of centering, I talk to the trip and ask for some help to bring it to an end. (It only feels weird for the first few few times or so.) After a few minutes, the natural intelligence of the trip seems to help my thoughts to unwind, and my mind more easily returns to my day-to-day stuff.

    If you do this, don’t forget to say thanks and goodbye. (Really – important!)

    (end of advice section – it is safe now.)

    Just wanted to say I hope you come back to your own home soon.

    Sending compassionate thoughts,

  • @Mary – Yes, you’re right, tiredness certainly has something to do with it. Getting enough sleep and back on a regular schedule is helping.

    @Meredith – I love your suggestion. As I read it, I felt the truth that I was still in between, not finished with the trip and not fully back home.

    After following your suggestion, I sensed some part of the traveling that I didn’t want to give up. You know, besides the amazing bread and cheese and wine every day! I want to do a little journaling about it and see what comes up.

    Thank you!

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