It’s time again for my beginning/end-of-the-week Feedback Sandwich*. It’s like a pat on the back, wrapped around a wish. Totally magic. Please, join in and make yourself a sandwich in the comments! (Plus, updates on the Challenges!) Routine Revelations
As I’ve shared over the last couple of weeks, these birthday challenges have me bumping up . . . → keep reading
It’s time again for my beginning/end-of-the-week Feedback Sandwich*. They transform how I think about my weeks past and future. It’s like a pat on the back, wrapped around a wish. Totally magic. Please, join in and make yourself a sandwich in the comments! (Now including updates on the Challenges!) Creating Challenges
I’m two weeks . . . → keep reading
It’s time again for my beginning/end-of-the-week Feedback Sandwich*. They transform how I think about my weeks past and future. It’s like a pat on the back, wrapped around a wish. Totally magic. Please, join in and make yourself a sandwich in the comments! Now including updates on the Challenges! Creating Challenges
Last week started . . . → keep reading
It’s time again (well past time but more about that below) for aFeedback Sandwich* to end my week. In their short lifespan, they’ve transformed how I think about my week. It’s like a pat on the back, wrapped around a wish. Totally magic.
How was that Nap Sandwich anyway?
Oh, the lovely, lovely Nap Sandwich. . . . → keep reading
I was so excited to be a part of Maryann’s first Society of the Secret Playdate membership session. I took part in a couple of her free one’s and loved the insights I had about playing for productivity.
The first playdate was in my calendar, I was thinking about what I wanted to work on . . . → keep reading
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