Audio + Potion Alchemy

Presenting for the First Time Ever

the super-charged alchemy of

Aardvark Essentials Potions

(artfully blended essential oils in a silky smooth handmade lotion)


Inspiration-igniting and Fear-taming Recordings

(meditations that invite the potion’s intention at the deepest unconscious level)

Did you know that smell is the most direct and primal of all our senses?

And that hypnosis bypasses your ingrained patterns and outworn beliefs to chat directly with your unconscious?

That’s a whole lot of bypassing of the usual places of stuck and muck, and what makes this marriage of potion and audio particularly magical.

You voted!

You told us which potions you wanted charged up with audio superpowers:

Night Queen

to develop your confident passion

Losing It

to calm the heck down in moments of overwhelm and fear


to help you live what’s true for you, without worrying about the world’s approval

Get all 3 Potions & accompanying Audios for the special price of:

$80 (free domestic shipping)

Sorry – this is not currently available

The 3 Potion+Audio Combo includes:
Three 1/2 oz. potions sent to you via US Postal Service and three companion audios (approx. 20 minutes each) available for download immediately.

If you’d like to buy individual potion+audio combos, or the audios on their own, please visit Heidi’s Aardvark Essentials shop!

We can’t wait for you to have this magical mixture to ignite transformation inside yourself in the zippy, subtle and super-charged places where body and mind get it on and things can’t help but change.

About the Potions and Heidi:

Aardvark Essentials are lotions and potions for mixed up emotions. The potions are essential oils that are hand-blended into Shea Butter-based creams and balms, which we’re calling lotions because “Therapeutic creams and balms” is rather lacking in poetic play. And, life without poetry and play? Magic forbid the day.

The lotions feel and smell great:
* They melt upon skin contact and go on silky smooth.
* Great for massage. Great glide, without being too slippery.
* One application lasts for hours. Great effect when left on overnight.
* The scent unfolds upon skin contact, inviting the magic intent of the potion.
* Shelf life of about a year. (No preservatives. No parabens.) Aardvark potions are fresh stuff! Use them soon.
* Store your potions in a cool, dark place for best shelf life.

Each one is made from organic, wild-crafted or farm select essential oils. In a few cases they are conventionally farmed, but all the essential oils are pure: no synthetic additives, fillers or chemical imitations of scents. (This is very good news to anyone, like me, who is sensitive to perfumes, chemicals or fake stuff. Because Aardvark potions will so not make you sneeze. Nor will any sensitive souls near you have to move away).

About Shannon and the audios

The magic of the audios comes from Shannon’s use of neuro-linguistic programming and hypnosis. She has completed extensive training and worked with hundreds of people to learn and fine-tune these methods that really make a difference. It’s about talking to your unconscious mind, not just your conscious mind, to help you relax and really take in all of the unique qualities of each audio+potion combination.

The audios are downloadable MP3s and will have a playing time of about 20 minutes. All you do is listen to the audio, preferably with headphones, after applying the companion potion.

Your mind may wander as you listen, that’s okay, just keep returning to audio. Different people experience different things when listening to an audio like this. You might feel like you’ve been asleep, or daydreaming, or you may feel completely consciously aware of what you’re hearing. However it works for you is just fine, and helps infuse the qualities.

Yes, even if you feel like you’ve been asleep! Rest assured, your mind will be soaking up all of the good stuff. And, you can listen repeatedly if you’re curious about what your conscious mind missed.


I want to get all three potions plus all three audios and develop my confident passion, calm the heck down and live what’s true for me.

All three for $80

Sorry, the lotions are no longer being produced so this package is no longer available.