Ready to break up with AWeber?

This one is for my readers with businesses who communicate with their right people via email marketing service: AWeber (or want to).

Everyone else? Let me divert your attention to a past post you might have missed: NLP Trainings and Shakespeare

Now, back to AWeber.

Have you met Wendy Cholbi yet? She has the amazing super-power of being able to explain technology to people so that they really get it, without all of the overwhelm. She helped me understand a few things in just minutes, when I’d been putting them off for days weeks months. She also plays a mean game of Scrabble.

Not too long ago, we were chatting about using email service provider AWeber for our various lists, and how we’ve both noticed that many of the people we’ve talked to are intimidated by the technological process of setting up an email list and using it — and at the same time they often feel kind of icky about doing email marketing at all. It’s no wonder that they get stuck and end up paying for a service they aren’t using.

Wonder Twin Powers Activate!

So we put our heads together and came up with a one-hour teleclass and a four-week workshop to help you get past the overwhelm and the ick, and learn to love AWeber. It’s a magical combination of Wendy’s genius step-by-step tech-teaching style and my ability to help people reframe difficult situations. We believe we can help you overcome both the technological and the emotional barriers to happily using email marketing in your business.

If those feelings of intimidation and ick are familiar to you, then check out our free teleclass, Love Your List: Three ways to get more out of your AWeber investment.

Free Teleclass details

Date: Tuesday, May 18
Time: 10am Pacific (what’s this in your time zone?)

Yes, we will be recording the call and sending the mp3 to everyone who signs up.

Cost: Your email address so we can send you the phone number and access code, and the mp3 afterward

This call is for you if: You have an AWeber account but don’t know how to get started using it, or you’re planning on signing up for a new AWeber account in the near future.

We’ll give you three steps you can take immediately to start using AWeber’s powers (for good, of course!), and we’ll address that “ick — email marketing is yucky” feeling with a dose of my perception-shifting mojo.

We’re also holding a four-week workshop in June to delve into these topics more deeply, and we do plan to mention the workshop briefly on the free call. But our intention with this call is to give you good solid action steps and a perception-shifting exercise that you can use again and again, not spend a lot of time giving you a sales pitch.

Ready to sign up?

Just head over to Love Your List and fill out the cute little AWeber form and we’ll send you the dial-in number, plus the call recording afterward. Hope to see you on the call!

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