Partnering with Athleta in Portland!

Join Shannon Wilkinson at Athleta Portland to Leap Over Resolutions Hurdles

I’ve long been a fan of Athleta. In fact, their purple puffy coat has been on every mountain summit with me.

But, it’s not just the clothes. I find their catalogs to be incredibly inspiring. The models look like they actually work play hard to be fit and toned. Plus, they aren’t wearing tons of make-up, striking ridiculous poses or in settings inconsistent with the gear.

Being such a fan girl, it’s especially thrilling to be partnering with them for talks at the Portland store. I’ll be talking about how to overcome different hurdles to reaching your resolutions at each presentation.

All talks are free and open to the public.

If you’re in Portland, I’d love to see you there!

Leap Over Resolution Hurdles in 2014

I think maybe this is what I want! (February 13th)
It all starts here. If you don’t have the right resolution, you’ll never keep it. Learn how to choose what you really want, and get the juice to get there.

I just keep forgetting or just can’t find the time! (February 20th)
You really want your resolution, but you find it hard to fit into your busy schedule. Learn how to make your resolution a part of your regular routine, and get the support you need.

When: Thursday evenings starting February 13th from 7:15 – 8:15

Where: Athleta Portland, 1001 NW Couch Street, Portland, OR 97209 (across the street from Powells)

RSVP: 503-227-0067 (The talks are free and open to the public, your RSVP helps us get an accurate headcount!)

Please pass this invitation along to your friends and family in Portland!

Photo: It was so exciting to see a stack of announcements at the register in the Portland Athleta Store!

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