The prescription for concussion recovery is rest. And more rest. And when you’re done resting, rest some more.
Except with all this rest, I’m having a hard time staying connected to what I want to be doing, what I need to finish. And then I remembered to build a bridge.
Bridges don’t have to be big, highly engineered, endeavors. Sometimes all you need is a log to get you over the creek.
Lots of little bridges pave the way.
It didn’t take me long yesterday to realize that I just wasn’t thinking as clearly as normal, or remembering things very easily. And while all the napping seems to be helping me heal, it isn’t making keeping track of things any easier either.
I started jotting things down. Things I wanted to remember, what needed to get done. What to ask someone to get for me. Who needs to get called. What works absolutely must happen. Except when I’d look back at what I jotted down, I had to spend so much time trying to figure out what I meant, it really wasn’t making things easier.
This is not the time for cryptic or pithy.
This is the time, for full, expressive, complete sentences.
Just because these are small, simple bridges, doesn’t mean you can skimp on them. They need to be solid enough to get you to the other side. The bridge maintains the connection, while you are away from the project. It makes it possible to pick up where you left off.
Build it with care.
If you aren’t sure just how clear your notes should be, imagine if someone who isn’t you read them. Would they know what you’re talking about?
Photo Credit: Log Bridge by cruiznbye on Flickr
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