I'm Back and Grateful

I’m back from my unplanned and unannounced blogging sabbatical! I was getting ready to post a new entry and realized just how long its been since I last posted. Oy. I looked at the last date and remembered that I got held up by Thanksgiving.

This seems a little odd, but at that time I was thinking about writing a post on the things I’m grateful for, but it seemed so cliched for Thanksgiving. I wanted to come up with something unique, interesting, FUN! Yeah, well, look what I did. I stopped writing. I’m not particularly grateful for that.

It’s a form of perfectionism that results in procrastination. I thought I’d overcome so much of it in my life. So in my 2008 resolution to practice my life kindly and gently, I’ll just notice it and move on.

So, here are a few things I’m grateful for, in no particular order:

– My supportive, fun, and inspirational partner and travelmate RP

– My great friends, new and old, near and far

– My Mac

– Good health and a body and mind that cooperates, or at least doesn’t complain too much, when I want to try new physical challenges

– My amazing clients who trust me with their greatest hopes and desires

– My colleagues, mentors, trainers, favorite authors, everyone that so willingly shares what they know to help us all

– The readers of this and my other blog, especially those who share with me their thoughts, opinions, recommendations


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