Good | Bad | Rad #5

A look back at some of the best, worst and most surprising parts of my week.

The Good

New About Me Page. New stuff is popping up around here at Perception Studios! Most recently, a new page about me, that’s kind of about you too, but things are definitely revealed about me.

Solving Technology Glitches. Last week, this was on the bad list, but I figured out why my contact forms weren’t working, and more importantly, got them working again. So yay, it’s good now! While you can still email me directly, if you prefer using the contact form, you can do that too.

Strong Past Training. This week I returned to my marathon training plan. I was a little worried about how it was going to go after really looking at all the training I missed during my unplanned hiatus. But, it was just fine. It was a little harder than it would have been if I’d trained during August, instead of rested and healed. But I was able to finish all my runs as planned.

Hummingbirds. A tree, right outside my kitchen window, has these sweet little white blossoms on it, that are attracting hummingbirds. I love seeing them zipping around the branches, stopping to feed while I’m cooking and cleaning. I’d love to figure out a way to get a feeder out there, so they could hang out year ’round.

The Bad

Spinning Beach Ball of Death. I’ve been bumping up against my hard drive’s capacity for awhile now. A couple of weeks ago (when I was teaching about personal capacity ironically enough!) I did a big computer clean out and opened up a couple of gigs of space. Somehow, it’s all been taken up again. I’m going to have to find a better solution, one that will give me plenty of space to work for awhile. I dread this.

Email Backlog. The Happy Inbox ideas I’ve been playing with, have definitely helped me manage my incoming mail, but I still have this massive backlog. I think that I’ve handled everything that’s urgent or important. But I’m concerned I missed something, so I’m reluctant to just archive it all.

The Rad

Routine Revelation. I absolutely understand the value of routine and habit, and I still struggle with them sometimes. I dream of a structure that gives me freedom and ensures that the things I want to have happen, do in fact happen automatically. Especially in the last few weeks, I’ve been wanting to build my days in a way that truly supports me. I’ve been trying different things, experimenting with how and when and why I do things.

I’ve learned a lot about myself, what works and what doesn’t work for me. And yet, I haven’t landed on that magical routine that allows me to relax into it, feeling fully supported and confident that everything is taken care of.

Until this week.

This week I realized that the best routine for me, isn’t about doing the same things at the same times every single day. For me, the best routine is planning.

Like most personal revelations or epiphanies, this might not seem like much to you, but for me? It’s huge. Giant Massiveson.

Advance planning is what gives me structure and assurance, not exercising or checking my email at the same time every day. YMMV.

And you?

What were the Good | Bad | Rad parts of your week? Share them here, in the comments, or on the Perception Studios Facebook page.


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