{Good | Bad | Rad} #47 – Bringing back the GBR

A look back at some of the best, hardest and most surprising parts of my week. Plus a few of my favorite photos I snapped during the week. Sometimes, they’re even relevant.

It’s been 16 weeks since my last G | B | R post. So much has happened since then. Let’s start with a visual speed round, and then we’ll get back to our regular programming.

I finished that marathon! Despite second-guessing everything, I managed a PR (personal record) and a BQ (Boston Qualifying time).

Shannon Wilkinson finishes the marathon with a PR and a BQ time!

I laughed hysterically with friends!

Shannon Wilkinson and Janine Adams Cracking Up

I fainted and ended up at the ER with a(nother) concussion.

The ER isn't where you want to find yourself at the end of the night.

I spent days/weeks/months (ultimately) in bed and on the couch. There are no photos of this period that was full of naps and watching back-to-back episodes of True Blood.

My niece and nephew came to visit me and we went to Trek in the Park.

Trek in the Park - The Trouble with Tribbles

There were fires and s’mores and lovely times with friends.

Fire, sweets and friends. Good times.

Finally able to begin running again, and participated in the inaugural Gorgeous Relay with a fantastic team.

Shannon Wilkinson completes the Gorgeous Relay with her team, Tenacious Squirrels

I received the most shocking and exciting news! Even though I’m still dubious that I’ll actually be able to run the marathon given where I’m at physically and training-wise right now. So, I’m doing only what I can do, and simply starting where I’m at.

Shannon Wilkinson makes the cut for the 2014 Boston Marathon

I’m sure I’ve missed plenty of things over that time, but you get the idea. Despite it being a very difficult period for me physically, there were still loads of good things and good times.

And, now that you’re current, let’s do this.

The Good 

Hiking. It was torture not being able to hike all summer. I was bummed at missing the peak wildflower times. However, getting back to it in the Fall was pretty spectacular. This hike in particular was so great (The Multnomah Falls/Wahkeena Falls Loop) that I did it two weekends in a row.

Hiking in the Columbia River Gorge during Fall.

The Bad

Managing my energy. I’m disappointed to find myself still in the position of having to manage my energy. I started whining about this way back in June. My disappointment isn’t just with the fact that I still have to do it, but that I’m really not any better at it after five months of experience.

Shannon Wilkinson's homemade granola.

Homemade granola.

The Rad 

Showing up. It’s been tough for me to show up here on the blog over the last few months. I lost my streak of posts pretty quickly. Sure there were valid reasons, but there were also plenty of excuses. And then I made a decision, something that always ends up being very powerful for me. After flirting with different ways of showing up and sharing my thoughts, I decided I’d just do what worked extraordinarily well for me when I found myself in this position before, a personal one-month blogging challenge of daily (monday – friday) posts. Once again, my friend and collaborator Janine Adams helped me sort it out. And let me tell you, as I close out the first week with this post, it feels totally rad.

The St. Johns Bridge is looking lovely this fall.

Cathedral Park and the St. Johns Bridge are just stunning this fall.

And you?

What were the Good | Bad | Rad parts of your week? Share them here, in the comments, or on the Perception Studios Facebook page.


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