Good | Bad | Rad #23 – Happy New Year

A look back at some of the best, hardest and most surprising parts of my week.

The Good

View towards Mt. Hood from Mt. St. HelensCreating Spaciousness. As I shared earlier this week, I loved how much spaciousness I created for myself on Tuesday while doing my first solo mountain climb. It was such a visceral experience of the importance of options and choosing, it’s making it easier to transfer to other things.

Inbox Zero. It’s possible I haven’t ever had a completely empty email inbox since I signed up on for my first AOL account, oh about *cough* two decades *cough* ago. Last night at 9:57 pm I achieved it. I’ve whittled on my inbox, and played around with the idea of inbox zero, but haven’t ever been able to achieve. My inbox has always had somewhere between 100s and 1000s of emails. Seeing that blank screen on my iPhone is so exciting! I’m extra inspired to keep it that Shannon Wilkinson on the summit of Mt. Saint Helens with Mt. Adams in the backgroundway. Already this morning I’ve found it much easier to deal with the emails that came in over night.

The Bad

Christmas Tree Needles. I’d forgotten how the Christmas tree lives on through finding needles in the weirdest places! Sweeping, vacuuming, dusting doesn’t eradicate them. They keep turning up, as if they hide out, and then reappear where you’re least expecting them.

Guilt. In the great email excavation, I found a number of emails that have been languishing in my inbox for completely inappropriately long times. It’s embarrassing. Most of them I responded to, and a few which needed more thoughtfulness than I had available yesterday

The Rad

Gratitude. As I’ve shared before, I have a complicated relationship with gratitude. This practice of looking back at my week has helped me improve it. And yesterday a friend showed up at my house with a gratitude jar she made me.

I love it!

I’ve already started jotting down notes, folding them and dropping them in the jar. I get the enjoyment of paying attention and recognizing the things to celebrate and appreciate each day. At the end of the year, I’ll have a fun way to review the year. And in between, if I ever need a little pick-up, I can reach in a pull out a slip of paper and be reminded of one wonderful thing.

And you?

What were the Good | Bad | Rad parts of your week? Share them here, in the comments, or on the Perception Studios Facebook page.


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