Good | Bad | Rad #17 – The Gratitude – Cynicism Continuum

A look back at some of the best, hardest and most surprising parts of my week.

The Good

Long Holiday Weekends. What’s not to love? Four days with not much in the way of a schedule. Doing (or not doing) pretty much whatever I wanted. It’s been a long time since I’ve gone this many days without spending any time working. Instead I spent time with family and friends, eating and drinking, running, reading and watching the entire Firefly series. (Which by the way, I’m tempted to just start watching again from the beginning. Yes, it’s that good.)

The Bad

Long Holiday Weekends. Well, it’s not the long holiday weekend that was so bad, it was that the holiday was on a Thursday, and then I completely lost track of time, and oops! Nearly forgot my weekly wrap-up! Another reminder that the better my systems and routines, the less likely things are to fall through the cracks.

The Rad

Gratitude. I tend to have a complicated relationship with gratitude and gratitude practices. On the one hand, I favor a Pollyanna-ish attitude with a pair of rose-colored glasses. On the other hand, I sometimes nearly sprain my eyeballs with all the rolling. I bounce along the gratitude – cynicism continuum in different situations. Oftentimes prescribed gratitude, such as in the form of a national holiday for instance, has me at the scoffing end.

Somehow though, this year I find myself feeling exceptionally grateful.

This, despite the sadness and loss and pain of the last year or so. Or perhaps, because of it.

I’m grateful for all the different people in my life. For my home. For the physical ability to go for a run, ride, hike or climb. Hummingbirds. I’m grateful for books and movies and DVDs of TV shows. Watching the leaves change. I’m grateful for good food and wine.

And my business.

I’m so deeply grateful to be able to do work that I love, that makes a difference. And I can only do that because of you. I’m deeply grateful for you. The people that have dreams. Big dreams and little dreams. Dreams so important that you are willing to change things so you can make them come true.

And you?

What were the Good | Bad | Rad parts of your week? Share them here, in the comments, or on the Perception Studios Facebook page.


2 comments to Good | Bad | Rad #17 – The Gratitude – Cynicism Continuum

  • cj

    The paragraph under “Rad” is fantastically written. It resonates so totally with me and my attempts to be a bit less cynical in certain situations. I often embrace my cynicism because it make my wife and I laugh, but I know I cannot use it full-time.

    Good: fun bar-hopping in San Antonio with my wife
    Bad: Ate a bit out of character for 3 days
    Rad: Developing some dandy ideas for our blog with my wife!

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