Influenced by Books

A pile of Shannon Wilkinson's influential books.

At a networking event last week I was asked, “what book has most influenced you?” It left me speechless. (That doesn’t happen often!)

I had a difficult time answering, not because I couldn’t think of a book, but because so many books flooded into my head and I had a hard time choosing.

Fascinated By . . . → keep reading

A Gift of Better Sleep

Remember when I confessed that I’m sleeping with my iPhone? Now, you can too. For free!

MotionX, the company that makes my favorite sleep app, has offered you, my readers, a promotional code to download the app for free.

It’s totally worth the regular $2.99 price, but free makes the decision to give it a . . . → keep reading

Continuing the Celebration: A few posts you might have missed

Yesterday marked the end of 13 straight weeks of posting every weekday. In that entry, I shared with you a few of the more popular posts from these last three months.

Now, I want to share with you a few of the posts, that didn’t get quite as much attention, but I think are worth . . . → keep reading

Do you know Brene Brown?

If you don’t, please, get to know her now.

I’m still reeling from a weekend full of amazing talks, amazing people, amazing ideas at the World Domination Summit.

One of the speakers, Brene Brown, sticks in my mind. I had the opportunity to see her twice, her keynote and a smaller Q & A conversation.

. . . → keep reading

No Turquoise Horse For Me

At least not this month.

I’m surprisingly disappointed about this. I’ve been coveting the Turquoise Horse since I first discovered its existence. I wrote about it last month when I praised its home,


See, the Turquoise Horse is one of the silly little animal badges that you are awarded on for achieving . . . → keep reading

iPhone Fun


Somehow, I’ve managed to not go on and on yet about my love for my iPhone. I’m not sure how that has happened, because if you meet me in person? I can’t hardly shut up about it.

If you have one you know what I mean, especially if you’re a self-employed, entrepreneur. . . . → keep reading

About NLP: You have all the resources you need…

It’s time to delve into those NLP Presuppositions a little more deeply.

What happens when you read #3 from the list?

You have all the resources you need to achieve your desired outcomes.

Did you relax a bit, maybe sigh, and think to yourself, “Really? What a relief!” Or did you thing, . . . → keep reading

Nose + Mind = Magic (time sensitive!)

Do you know my friend Heidi? According to her twitter profile, she’s a: Massage therapist – Scent artist – Mood detective – Potion mixer – Writer-down of things. Yep, that’s her. Amazing.

A while back we teamed up to create something really special, a kind of audio and potion alchemy if you will. There was . . . → keep reading

Starting the Checklists

If Mr. Gawande didn’t convince me about the power of checklists, Darcy sure did with her comment.

I started my checklist mania today, in preparation for a working retreat at the beach. I decided to use Wunderlist because it syncs between my computer, iPhone and the web. Plus I can print out any of my . . . → keep reading

Forgetting to Remember

“Did you mean to leave your phone charger?” read the text I received as I was nearly to my Mom’s to stay with her for a couple of days while she had surgery to remove a cataract.

“Nope. Didn’t mean to forget my raincoat either.”

Luckily I knew that my Mom would have both items . . . → keep reading