At the very end of one of Alexandra Franzen‘s recent blog posts, The Most Annoying Question Ever, I was struck by the following scenario:
A mysterious benefactor drops off a check for $3,000 on your doorstep, with a hand-written note. It says:
“I’d like to spend the weekend with you. We can do . . . → keep reading
I’m really proud of myself for how I started 2013. Yesterday, I climbed Mt. Saint Helens, our resident Pacific Northwest live volcano.
But that’s not the whole reason why I’m proud.
I did it solo. My first solo climb in fact.
I’m proud of that, but that’s not really why either.
I’m proud because I . . . → keep reading
Today a World of Possibility card showed up in my inbox. It’s from the inestimable Alexandra Franzen. I attended her writing workshop a couple of weekends ago.
This message is so perfect as we open up 2013 and venture in, I want to share it.
So, here it is, for you, from me (words by . . . → keep reading
The last Explore & Play call was exceptionally fun. I shared a short, easy-to-use process that you can use to coach yourself. During the call I guided three people through the process, and helped them make powerful changes in just a matter of minutes.
And then there was the Transfer Ease call, when Ann learned . . . → keep reading
Remember when I confessed that I’m sleeping with my iPhone? Now, you can too. For free!
MotionX, the company that makes my favorite sleep app, has offered you, my readers, a promotional code to download the app for free.
It’s totally worth the regular $2.99 price, but free makes the decision to give it a . . . → keep reading
I flew down to California yesterday.
My seat was right next to the propeller. Once they start spinning, they’re so fast you can no longer perceive the individual blades.
The weather was beautiful as we took off in Portland, so I snapped a few pictures.
It was fascinating to see the blades caught in motion. . . . → keep reading
I’ve been mulling over what to write today, after such a tumultuous and emotional weekend. I’ve decided to simply share this short note I posted on Facebook late last night:
Such an unbelievable last few days.
One minute I was celebrating the birth of a friend’s baby and holding this tiny (4 lbs. 12 oz), . . . → keep reading
It’s time to delve a little deeper into another one of the NLP Presuppositions.
This time it’s number 8
Respect each person’s model of the world.
On the surface, this presupposition seems pretty straightforward. Having respect for another person and their beliefs is part of being a kind and conscientious person and member of society.
. . . → keep reading
In no particular order, it’s time to delve a little deeper into another one of the NLP Presuppositions.
This time it’s number 5
You cannot not communicate. Effective communicators accept and utilize all communication presented to them.
Let’s talk about the first part of this presupposition. You cannot not communicate, just like you cannot not . . . → keep reading
In no particular order, it’s time to delve a little deeper into another one of the NLP Presuppositions.
This time it’s number 6
All outcomes are achievements, there is no failure, only feedback.
The idea of this NLP presupposition is that when you want to reach a certain goal or outcome, everything that happens is . . . → keep reading
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