Where do you fall on the New Year’s Resolution Continuum?
(statistics from 2008 survey by Opinion Corporation of Princeton, NJ)
If you fall in that big middle group (or have drifted into the no resolutions group due to disappointment) this could be the year for something different.
A few years ago, Janine Adams . . . → keep reading
The days are getting shorter, and, with the end of Daylight Savings Time here in the US, it’s going to be darker earlier. Add to that the colder weather and you have the perfect recipe for hunkering down and getting cozy.
Which is great — a part of this time of year that I love . . . → keep reading
Do you want to help someone change?
Understand them?
Really connect?
Let them be where they are, right now. Let them be as together, as messed up, as open or closed as they are, right now.
Do they need to be heard? Listen.
Did they ask for advice? Share your best.
Are they unsure? Simply . . . → keep reading
Remember when I shared with you how envy brought me to coaching? Part of the reason I could hear what the envy had to tell me was that I was looking for something different. I knew something wasn’t right, but I wasn’t sure what to do about it. I’d known something wasn’t right for awhile. . . . → keep reading
If you get my monthly rolling invitations* you know that I’ve been recuperating from yet another concussion. Since this is my third annual concussion, and they’re cumulative, it’s worth being very conservative. I’m also still dealing with the symptoms that led to me fainting in the first place. Which all adds up to needing loads . . . → keep reading
I made a new friend last Monday.
I don’t know if this is one of those things where you cross paths for just a moment, or we’ll spend more time together in the future.
It doesn’t matter. I’m just glad it happened.
Mrs. M
We met under unusual circumstances, and are unlikely friends.
The petite . . . → keep reading
I have a love affair with ease. I miss it when I don’t have it. I want more, when I do.
Ironically, it can be hard to let things be easy, and complicated to recognize that ease doesn’t always mean easy.
Recently, there hasn’t been as much ease in my business as I’d like. Sure . . . → keep reading
At a networking event last week I was asked, “what book has most influenced you?” It left me speechless. (That doesn’t happen often!)
I had a difficult time answering, not because I couldn’t think of a book, but because so many books flooded into my head and I had a hard time choosing.
Fascinated By . . . → keep reading
It’s time to delve a little deeper into the last of the NLP Presuppositions.
This time it’s number 7
The element in a system that has the most flexibility will be the catalyst of that system.
(In case you think the way it’s worded as an NLP presupposition is a little over the top, check . . . → keep reading
Remember just a few days ago when I so excitedly shared my Rad of the week, planning?
I was oh-so-happy with my plan. Ready to start taking action. You know, actually get moving in the direction I’m headed.
My task lists were ready, my big map hung on the wall.
I forced myself to take . . . → keep reading
Curious about your biggest block to productivity? Answer six simple questions, and I’ll send you a customized strategy to overcome your productivity blocks and start taking action now. Get Started!