Remember that amazing writing workshop I went to last December? One of the things the lovely Alexandra Franzen did was give us a writing prompt in the form of a tarot card. She showed us the card, gave a quick description and then we had to dash off a poem in a few minutes . . . → keep reading
This afternoon I sat down to write a blog post, but my mind was empty. Or rather, every idea that came to mind was quickly dismissed. So, I decided to shift my perspective and take a walk. I might get an idea while out in the world. If nothing else, the walk would be a . . . → keep reading
I have a confession to make. Some of the most amazing things I’ve done in my life were motivated by envy.
This has been on my mind recently because that’s what motivated me ten years ago this month, to change careers and become a life coach. Not exactly auspicious beginnings for such a career, but . . . → keep reading
Have you been frustrated recently by people giving you a different response than you wanted? I don’t know if it’s something in the air, but a lot of my clients have been.
Besides paying attention to what it is you’re communicating, you might just be bringing your stick to someone who can’t throw it.
. . . → keep reading
This past weekend I ran my second, and final, 20 miler before the marathon in three weeks. And now, it’s time to taper. Or, as I like to call it, three weeks of second-guessing-the-efficacy-of-your-training.
See, at this point, you’ve done all you can do to improve your fitness level. You aren’t going to get faster, . . . → keep reading
I’m not currently offering these monthly calls. If you’d like to keep up with the latest, please sign up on the right side of the page!
I celebrated the anniversary of my monthly Explore & Play classes with a fantastic call, and all the awesome people that joined in. It was great to have . . . → keep reading
I have a love affair with ease. I miss it when I don’t have it. I want more, when I do.
Ironically, it can be hard to let things be easy, and complicated to recognize that ease doesn’t always mean easy.
Recently, there hasn’t been as much ease in my business as I’d like. Sure . . . → keep reading
“What? Did he say what I think he said?
“What does that even mean?
“How am I supposed to even do that?
“It’s not possible… well, crap…
“Okay, I ask people to imagine weird stuff all the time. I’ll just imagine I could do it.
“Oh wow…ohh….”
Three weeks ago, during a new-to-me . . . → keep reading
I don’t know what I was thinking. Oh, I’ll just ask people for ideas, and then I’ll pick three and announce it. Easy peasy.
Somehow, I forgot how creative and wise and curious my readers are. The suggestions I received are phenomenal. Really. Which, of course, has made it quite difficult to choose.
But, . . . → keep reading
The two year anniversary of the Explore & Play Class and Coaching Hours is coming up very soon.
But before that, though, is the deadline for you to submit your ideas. Yes, to celebrate this occasion, you get to suggest, and then pick the topic for the next call!
Where do you get stuck? . . . → keep reading
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