I don’t know what I was thinking. Oh, I’ll just ask people for ideas, and then I’ll pick three and announce it. Easy peasy.
Somehow, I forgot how creative and wise and curious my readers are. The suggestions I received are phenomenal. Really. Which, of course, has made it quite difficult to choose.
But, . . . → keep reading
The two year anniversary of the Explore & Play Class and Coaching Hours is coming up very soon.
But before that, though, is the deadline for you to submit your ideas. Yes, to celebrate this occasion, you get to suggest, and then pick the topic for the next call!
Where do you get stuck? . . . → keep reading
On May 10th, 2011 I held the very first Explore & Play Class and Coaching Hour, Overcoming Overwhelm.
Since that time I’ve taught two dozen different classes and coached dozens of people through at least as many issues during the live calls.
When I started them, I wasn’t sure how they would go.
Would I . . . → keep reading
Spring cleaning isn’t just for your home.
If you’re like most people, you probably have some dusty old beliefs and patterns hanging around in your head, making it difficult to do the things you really want to be doing.
During this call, I’ll be showing you how to uncover your dusty stuff and sweep it . . . → keep reading
Big decisions, or small, what to do when you grow up, what to order, whether or not to take that class/job/trip. You might be a trust-your-gut snap decision-maker or a-run-it-by-everyone-you-know-and-create-the-world’s-longest-pros-and-cons-list decision-maker. Regardless of your style, at some point, you’ve probably struggled with a decision, or regretted a decision once you made it.
If you’d like . . . → keep reading
I don’t really believe that you want yourself to fail. In fact, these behaviors labeled as self-sabotage, are usually trying to do the opposite.
During the next Explore & Play Class and Coaching Hour on Tuesday, February 12th, I’ll share with you what’s really going on with these behaviors and what to do about them.
. . . → keep reading
Every year, I like to create a new habit that supports me in bringing about a bigger change in my life. It’s one of the easiest ways to let something bigger slip into your life, to create angst-free change. So much better than resolutions!
During the next Explore & Play Class and Coaching Hour on . . . → keep reading
Coaching yourself doesn’t have to be difficult or complicated.
While I have a varied and eclectic collection of coaching tools available, there’s one basic thing that I come back to time and time again. It’s super-simple and you can use it on your own.
I use it over and over again to get myself (and . . . → keep reading
There are times when it’s easy to feel good, and there are times when it is difficult, maybe even seems inappropriate. However, feeling good, even when it’s not how we’re conditioned to feel in a situation, can be the most supportive, powerful thing you can do.
Feeling good reduces stress, opens up options and allows . . . → keep reading
You know how there are those things in your life that come easy for you? That you find success with on a regular basis? And then there are those things you struggle with, procrastinate on, feel ineffectual about . . .
There are secrets in the things that come easy to you, that can help . . . → keep reading
Curious about your biggest block to productivity? Answer six simple questions, and I’ll send you a customized strategy to overcome your productivity blocks and start taking action now. Get Started!