Behind the Scenes

Last night was the season premiere of the television show, Leverage. While I enjoy watching it when I can, after all it is filmed in Portland, it’s not something I watch regularly because it’s on TNT, and I don’t have cable.

But last night I had to make sure I could see it.

See, back . . . → keep reading

Finding the Time

How often have you heard that?

I need to find the time, so I can get that project finished…

As soon as I find the time, I’ll get started on that thing I really want to do…

When I find the time, I’ll finally get to all of those things I’ve been dreaming about…

It’s . . . → keep reading

Setting Yourself Up for Success

A lifetime ago, I studied and worked with animals using a system called TTouch. While I thought I was learning it so I could work professionally with animals, it turns out that it has been an amazing base for my coaching work with people.

One of the things that sticks strongly in my mind is . . . → keep reading

Sticking With It

Shannon Wilkinson finishes her first marathon, the 40th Portland Marathon

On Wednesday, I’m running a half marathon, the Foot Traffic Flat. It’s in a beautiful area and the weather is supposed to be gorgeous. But I’m a little concerned.

There’s this thing that happens to me on every long run.

But it doesn’t just happen with runs. It happens every time I start my daily . . . → keep reading

Cultivating Good Enough

Hi. My name is Shannon and I’m a recovering perfectionist.

Well, working on being a recovering perfectionist.

Ummm, wanting to be a recovering perfectionist.

Not to get all perfectionistic or anything, but for a perfectionist, it’s hard to imagine doing anything less.

Why would you do anything any way except perfectly? Why wouldn’t you want . . . → keep reading

The Flip of a Coin

There you have it, my secret decision-making strategy.

Flipping a coin makes everything clear.

Flipping a coin stops the endless back and forth trying to make the perfect decision.

Flipping a coin gives you immediate access to your inner wisdom and deepest desires.

What, what?

Let me say that again. Flipping a coin gives you . . . → keep reading

When to Avoid Choices

Think about the things you find difficult. Or that get you feeling sad or angry or otherwise unresourceful and triggered.

What happens feels automatic. You don’t usually have to think about whether or not you’re going to get mad or sad or frustrated. It just happens.

When I’m working with clients, instead of feeling triggered, . . . → keep reading

Gentle Untangling Please

I’m still on my little working wellness retreat at the Oregon Coast.

This time is allowing me to get away from my usual distractions and to focus on writing and developing useful and fun ways to support you and of course training.

What comes naturally?

I also wanted to see what my natural rhythms are . . . → keep reading

Shifting (Literal) Perspectives

While I often talk about shifting your perspective from an internal or metaphorical position, I’m also a big fan of shifting your literal perspective. (The latter helps with the former, plus, it’s fun.)

This might be as simple as getting up from your desk for a stretch or a quick walk, to actually working in . . . → keep reading

Training for a Real or Metaphorical Marathon

Shannon Wilkinson at the start of the 40th Annual Portland Marathon

I’ve started training in earnest for the Portland Marathon in October. (Not to mention a climb of Mt. Whitney a couple weeks before it. I might actually be crazy.)

As I’m planning my training, I’ve been thinking about what worked last year, and what will help me feel successful this year.

The practical side is . . . → keep reading