Where Does the Day Go?

Yesterday I had one of those days where I didn’t have a lot to do, plenty of time to do it, but I still didn’t get it done. I only had four things on my list and completed two, started one, and didn’t get anywhere with the other. It’s not really procrastination, in that I’m not avoiding the stuff, but the result is the same, I end up disappointed in myself and feeling behind.

And then there are the days that are so crammed full, that you’re running from one thing to the next and get it all done. I don’t like the exhausted feeling at the end of those days, but I sure like the feeling of accomplishment.

I know there’s a happy medium in there, I’ve experienced it before! And I suspect it has something to do with paying attention, setting realistic expectations, and holding myself accountable in a kind and encouraging way (rather than a judgmental and mean way!). I just went back and re-read this post from last fall, when I was talking about a similar thing. I was on the right track then, so I’ll hop back on and see where it takes me!

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