Good | Bad | Rad #12 – The Autumnal Issue

A look back at some of the best, worst and most surprising parts of my week.

The Good

Running. I went for a run this week, not because I had to, or because it was in my training plan, but just because I wanted to. After months of training, that was a novel experience, and felt really great! I did just a short few miles that wound around and under and over the St. Johns Bridge. It was so gorgeous I had to stop a couple of times to take pictures.

Soup. Our glorious warm, dry and completely out-of-the-ordinary fall weather has left and our standard weather is back. That means it’s soup time! I’ve been enjoying some homemade chicken noodle soup this week. It tastes soooo good, and making the stock had my whole house smelling delicious too. I’d share a picture, but it always looks completely disgusting in photos. Also, I’d like to branch out with my soup making, do you have a favorite recipe you can share?

Hiking. I’ve been on a few hikes over the summer, but nothing very long or intense. Last Saturday I headed to Dog Mountain in the Columbia River Gorge. Since I’ve been so focused on running the last two summers, I haven’t been there for awhile. It was just as beautiful as I remembered.

The Bad

Tight Hamstrings. I forgot what a bit of elevation gain can do to you! The hike on Saturday was beautiful, but boy, gaining 2800 feet in about three miles is a little different than running on flats or even short, steep hills. I was more sore after that hike than I was after the marathon!

Fruit Flies. There’s a sweet spot between feeling like you’re wasting compost bags changing them too frequently and allowing fruit flies to hatch. This week I missed it! Those darn fruit flies. They’re so annoying, and hard to get rid of. I’ve been trying to give them a happy end, and leaving out a glass with a bit of wine in the bottom. They seem to happily drown themselves in it over night. (Portland has curbside composting, so all food waste, even bones and food contaminated paper, goes in a counter top container lined with a compostable bag. It gets picked up curbside every week.)

The Rad

Exploring & Playing. This week was my free monthly coaching hour, Explore & Play. While I love the planned teaching portion, my favorite part is coaching callers and answering questions. It’s challenging, because I never know what issues people are going to bring up, and of course, time is short and it’s all happening live. This month, during the Transfer Ease & Effectiveness call, it was no different. I had a great time coaching caller, Ann, and guiding her through the process. And hearing her say, “I didn’t think you could do this. I really didn’t.” at the end of the call was icing on the already rad cake.


And you?

What were the Good | Bad | Rad parts of your week? Share them here, in the comments, or on the Perception Studios Facebook page.


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